Queen Palms - Dark green foliage and no cold damage.

14-16' OA $50 by the truck load and $60 for 10 or more.
18-22' OA $60 by the truck load and $70 for 10 or more.
18-22' OA $60 by the truck load and $70 for 10 or more.
Roebelenii Palms - Dark green foliage, fat trunks and no cold damage.

Singles, Doubles, Triples, Quads and up
4.5-5.5' OA $50 by the truck load and $60 for 10 or more.
6-8' OA $60 by the truck load and $70 for 10 or more.
4.5-5.5' OA $50 by the truck load and $60 for 10 or more.
6-8' OA $60 by the truck load and $70 for 10 or more.
Washingtonia Palms

8-12' OA $65 by the truck load and $85 for ten or more.
14-22' OA $7 by the truck load and $8 for ten or more.
Sylvester Palms

1-7' CT $100/ft by the truck load and $125/ft otherwise
8-15' CT $175/ft by the truck load and $200/ft otherwise
We can put a finish cy on the trunks for an additional $15/ft of trunk
There are many other specials not listed here. Please contact us directly if you need pricing on palms.
We have some fantastic specimen palms. Cold hardy palms available. If you are looking for Canary's, Reclinatas, or giant Pindos, we have them.
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