Date palm trees like this Sylvester Palm (Phoenix sylvestris, Silver Date Palm) that we installed for our landscape customer in the Tampa, Fl area can add so much beauty and character to your Florida landscape. In fact, with the Sylvester Palm being a fairly cold hardy palm tree certain states outside of Florida can enjoy the beautiful, resilient date palms as well. On top of adding so much to your landscape date palms can be a great investment growing into something that palm collectors can have an interest in purchasing from time to time. Our wholesale palm tree farm has a huge selection of date palm trees including not only the Sylvester Palm (Phoenix sylvestris, Silver Date Palm) but also the Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis, Pineapple Palm), Medjool Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera), and Pygmy Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii) to name a few. Wholesale palm orders can be picked up or delivered inside and outside the state of Florida. Whatever you needs may be our wholesale tree farm can help. Give us a call today to find out how competitive our wholesale palm tree pricing can be.