Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Quality Plant - Florida Wholesale Palms - Royal Palms

A Quality Plant installed many palms this last week including Royal Palms, Foxtail Palms, Areca Palms, Roebelenii Palms / Pigmy Date Palms, Reclinata Palms / Senegal Date Palms, Queen Palms, Bismark Palms and more. It was a very busy week for sure.

A Quality Plant installed 13 Reclinata Palms in Port Charlotte for a customer who needed to create a cold hardy palm screen. The Reclinata Palms were 14 foot tall and 20 feet wide. The palms did the job! We installed the cold hardy palm the Queen Palm over existing Pigmy Date Palms to protect them from frost this next winter.

On another job A Quality Plant installed three 25 foot Foxtail Palms and three 30 foot Royal Palms in one yard along with 50 Podocarpus, 15 Areca Palms, 5 container grown Foxtail Palms and more.


A Quality Plant