Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Canary Island Date Palm Sales and Installation / Grading a Pineapple Palm

A Quality Plant installs Canary Island Date Palms of all sizes. The price of the palm is determined by the quality of the tree. The quality of a Canary Island Date Palm is a factor of:

Color of the fronds
Fullness of the head
Caliper of the trunk
Condition of the trunk
Straightness of the trunk
Size of the Pineapple

A Florida Fancy Canary will have all of the above going for it. A Florida #1 will be a very nice palm but will be missing slightly in one or more of the determining factors. A Florida #2 will be substantially missing in one or more characteristics.

I prefer a Canary with good distinction between the smooth part of the trunk and the Pineapple.

Below are some examples of Canary Island Date Palms and how they can vary.

Phoenix canariensis
Canary Island Date Palm - Florida #1

Phoenix canariensis
Canary Island Date Palm or Pineapple Palm
Florida #1

Phoenix canariensis
Canary Island Date Palm or Pineapple Palm
Florida Fancy

Phoenix canariensis
Canary Island Date Palm or Pineapple Palm
Florida Fancy

Phoenix canariensis
Canary Island Date Palm or Pineapple Palm
Florida Fancy

Phoenix canariensis
Canary Island Date Palm or Pineapple Palm
Florida Fancy