Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wholesale Canary Island Date Palms / Pineapple Palms Revoved and Installed

A Quality Plant specializes in large Specimen Palm Trees including the Canary Island Date Palm. These Palms require special care and expertise to properly remove, transport and re-plant. If you are thinking about purchasing a Canary Island Date Palm for your yard you will need to consider the space required for one of these massive palm trees. A mature Canary Island Date Palm can be over twenty five feet wide and can have a trunk with a circumference in excess of 100 inches. There are few palms that come close to awesome presence of a Canary Island Date Palm.

Specimen Palm Wimauma
Canary Island Date Palm from A Quality Plant Field

Specimen Palm
Canary Island Date Palm, Pineapple Palm, Phoenix canariensis

Specimen Palm Apollo Beach
Canary Island Date Palm, Pineapple Palm Phoenix canariensis Apollo Beach, Florida

Specimen Palm Sarasota
Canary Island Date Palm, Pineapple Palm Phoenix canariensis Sarasota, Florida
We can trim up the Pineapple on the Canary Island Date Palm or leave the ferns on the palm. Either way, the Canary Island Date Palm is impressive.

Canary Island Date Palm's have different grades.

#2.  Most palm trees have no value as a Florida #2. Although we rarely install a #2, they do have some value. A #2 would have imperfections like constrictions in the trunk or a head that has very few green fronds. Some Canary Island Date Palm's can have deep holes in the trunk or chainsaw gouges that are deep.

#1. A #1 Canary Island Date Palm has good color and average trunk caliper. A nice palm.

Florida Fancy. A Florida Fancy Canary Island Date Palm has everything going for it...Great color on the fronds, large caliper trunk and a very defined Pineapple once trimmed.

Specimen. A Specimen Canary Island Date Palm is extraordinary in every way.

Specimen Palm Montverde, Florida
Canary Island Date Palm's Installed in Montverde, Florida

A Quality Plant