Friday, January 14, 2011

Wholesale Date Palms - Wholesale Date Palm Trees - Retail Date Palm Trees

Here at our wholesale palm tree farm in Ruskin, fl we carry many sizes of the Silver Date Palm (Phoenix Sylvestris, Sylvester). The Silver Date Palm (Phoenix Sylvestris, Sylvester) has a tall trunk and is much more slender than the Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenxix canariensis). The Silver Date Palm's (Phoenix Sylvestris, Sylvester) very full and dense crown has elegantly recurving, greyish, plumose leaves. The Silver Date Palm (Phoenix Sylvestris, Sylvester) is as easy to grow as any of the Phoenix Palms and will adapt to temperature as well as to tropical conditions making a more cold hardy palm. We have put a special decorative cut on the trunk of this Silver Date Palm (Phoenix Sylvestris, Sylvester) you see in the photo giving it a really pretty look. Here at our palm tree nursery we carry many different kinds of Date Palm Trees to suit your needs. We carry
Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenxix canariensis), Silver Date Palm (Phoenix Sylvestris, Sylvester), Pygmy Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii), Medjool Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera). Discount and wholesale date palm tree pricing available for businesses and anyone buying in quantity. Call us today for a quote on your new Date Palm Tree!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Palm Tree Removal - Wholesale Palm Trees - Wholesale Plants & Tropical Foliage

Our wholesale palm tree farm not only offers discount and wholesale palm tree pricing and wholesale or discount plant pricing to landscapers or anyone with quantity orders, we also specialize in palm tree removal, palm tree transplants, and palm tree replacements. As you can see in this photo where we are removing a large Queen Palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana). Even difficult and tricky palm tree removals are not a problem for us her at A Quality Plant!

Also here's a list of some of the palm trees available at our Wholesale Palm Tree Farm in Ruskin, Fl:

A Sample of the Palm Trees For Sale at A Quality Plant
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii - Paurotis Palm, Adonidia merrillii - Christmas Palm, Archontophoenix cunninghamiana - King Palm, Arenga engleri - Dwarf Sugar Palm, Arenga pinnata - Sugar Palm, Bismarckia nobilis - Bismark Palm, Butia capitata - Pindo Palm, Chamaedorea cataractarum - Cat Palm, Chamaedorea erumpens - Bamboo Palm, Chamaerops humilis - European Fan Palm, Caryota mitis - Fishtail Palm, Cocos nucifera - Coconut Palm, Coccothrinax crinita - Old Man Palm, Copernicia alba - Carnuba Wax Palm, Dypsis decaryi - Triangle Palm, Dypsis lastelliana - Teddy Bear Palm, Dypsis lutescens - Areca Palm, Elaeis guineensis - African Oil Palm, Hyophorbe lagenicaulis - Bottle Palm, Hyophorbe verschaffeltii - Spindle Palm, Latania loddigesii - Blue Latan Palm, Latania lontaroides - Red Latan Palm, Latania verschaffeltii - Yellow Latan Palm, Leucothrinax morrisii - Key Thatch Palm, Livistona chinensis - Chinese Fan Palm, Livistona decipiens - Ribbon Palm, Phoenix canariensis - Canary Island Date Palm or Pineapple Palm, Phoenix dactylifera - Medjool Palm, Phoenix dactylifera - Deglet Noor, Phoenix reclinata - Senegal Date Palm, Ptychosperma elegans - Solitaire/Alexander Palm, Phoenix dactylifera x Phoenix sylvestris, Phoenix roebelenii - Pigmy Date Palm, Phoenix rupicola - Cliff Date Palm, Phoenix sylvestris - Sylvester Palm, Pseudophoenix sargentii - Buccaneer Palm, Ravenea rivularis - Majesty Palm, Rhapis excelsa - Lady Palm, Rhapidophyllum hystrix - Needle Palm, Roystonea regia - Royal palm, Sabal palmetto - Sabal Palm - Cabbage Palm, Syagrus romanzoffiana x. Butia capitata - Mule Palm, Syagrus romanzoffiana - Queen Palm, Thrinax radiata - Florida Thatch Palm, Trachycarpus fortunei - Windmill Palm, Veitchia montgomeryana - Montgomery Palm, Washingtonia filifera - California Fan Palm/Desert Fan Palm, Washingtonia robusta - Washingtonia Palm, Wodyetia bifurcata - Foxtail Palm, Zamia furfuracea - Cardboard Palm
