The Ribbon Palm is closely related to the Chinese Fan Palm but has some characteristics that make it better suited for landscapes. The Ribbon Palm has persistent boots that are most persistent at the base of the palm. The leaf is divided once to the base of the petiole and then again halfway. This is what creates the Ribbon look to the leaf.
The Ribbon Palm will take a mild frost with little or no damage and can survive temps into the teens. The growth rate is medium and, under the right conditions, can be 2-3 feet of trunk growth in a year.
The Ribbon Palm loves full sun. It is much harder to keep a Chinese Fan Palm dark green in full sun than the Ribbon Palm.
The old fronds / boots of the Ribbon Palm will eventually shed and reveal a burgundy ringed trunk that is attractive.
A Quality Plant grows and sells the Ribbon Palm / Livistona decipiens and we have them field grown and container grown.
A Quality Plant