Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Quality Plant will be installing these Sylvester Palms and Roebelenii Palms in Deltona, Florida.
The Sylvester Palms will be lining the driveway.

Date Palms, Silver Date Palms, Wholesale Palms
Phoenix sylvestris / Sylvester Palms staged for loading
A Quality Plant delivered these Monster Sylvester Palms to a Miami Landscaper for their commercial landscape project. The palms were 12' CT, 16' CT, and a whopping 20' CT. Nice!

Date Palms, Specimen Palms
12' CT Sylvester Palms

Date Palms, specimen palms, specimen date palms
20' CT Specimen Sylvester Palms

Specimen Date Palms
16' CT Specimen Sylvester Palms
A Quality Plant
1998 19th Avenue NE
Ruskin, Florida 33570