Planting palms in the winter months
This came up twice today. Should you plant palm trees in the winter? Palm trees that are not cold hardy palms for your cold hardiness zone should probably not be planted at all. Palms that are rated for your zone can be planted at any time.
There are advantages and disadvantages to planting palms at different times of the year. When you plant a palm tree in the winter month that is cold hardy to your zone you will not be required to water the palm as vigorously. The days are short, the air is cool and many palms are dormant or have slowed down the growing process substantially.
Cold Hardy Palms to zone 9 include:
Sylvester Palms
Medjool Palms or True Date Palms
Queen Palms
European Fan Palms
Bismarck Palms
Washingtonia Palms or Washington Palms
Ribbon Palms
Chinese Fan Palms
Windmill Palms
You will need to watch the palm tree you plant in the winter time again in the early spring time. The Cold Hardy Palms may have had too little time to root in and thus gather enough water to survive. It is best to water these cold hardy palms daily during any period of extended drought.
A Quality Plant
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